
Oct 11, 2023   |   一般, Success Tips
5 online etiquette tips

以下是一些大数据:根据国家教育统计中心, 超过十分之一的高等院校主要提供在线课程, 15% of all college students attend schools mostly online,1 and, in 2020, 5.4 million students took at least one online course.2

If you’re among this ever-increasing number of students, 毫无疑问,你已经注意到在线课堂和面对面课堂之间的一些差异. In an online setting, for example, rather than verbally answering questions, 学生们通常通过课堂讨论版的文本来学习. 和, 当然, students are participating from different locations, 哪一个, while offering tremendous flexibility, 同时也增加了更多背景干扰的可能性.

Because of these differences, 参与在线学习有时需要一点时间来适应. The following are some science-backed3,4 介绍如何练习正确的在线课堂礼仪以促进参与的技巧, 尊重, and effective communication.

  1. Act Like You Do in Person

    因为你可能会在一个更随意的环境中登录,比如你的厨房或家庭办公室, 因为你没有和你的老师和其他学生面对面, 人们很容易忘记面对面互动的规则. In other words, 在普通课堂上不合适的事情在网上也可能不合适.

    For example, if your phone rang in a traditional classroom, you’d probably quickly silence it, not answer it like you might be tempted to at home. 也, eating in class is often frowned upon in person, so try not to do so online either as it can be distracting. In addition, be appropriate with your attire. 例如,穿睡衣会让人觉得你没有认真上课.

    使用尊重的语言和语气也很重要. When interacting in person, 手势, tone of voice, and facial expressions help clarify your message. When posting text on a discussion board, 事实并非如此,别人可能很容易推断出你无意的意思. 用词要谨慎,如果有疑问,使用更礼貌的选项. No one will fault you for being too nice.

    Lastly, just like you would in person, use your real name. 用一个随意的网名登录,会让人觉得你对这门课很漫不经心. Or, 你的老师可能不认识你,让你进入房间,并记录你的参与和出勤.

  2. Practice Good Netiquette

    网络礼仪是指网络课程中不成文的交际礼仪规则, virtual study groups, or any other online community. Some guidelines include being concise in your message, exercising judgment when using emojis, 不要使用过多的大写字母,有时会被认为是大喊大叫.

    此外,避免使用冒犯性的语言或人身攻击,就像你面对面一样. 一个好的经验法则是,如果你不愿意对和你在一起的人说, you probably shouldn’t say it online.

    也, be mindful of your grammar and punctuation. 错误的标点或措辞会导致误解或无意中冒犯同学.

    和, 当然, 随着课程的进行,一定要遵循老师给你的任何特定的礼仪规则或喜好.

  3. Be on Time and Ready

    就像你在面对面的课堂上一样,要准时并做好准备. 桌子上有足够的空间做笔记,手边有你需要的材料吗. You never know when your instructor might call on you!

    还要记住,技术可能会导致意想不到的并发症. Always check your connection in advance, make sure you have all necessary login information, 准备一个备用计划以防你不小心被踢出网络.

    提前把问题写下来也无妨. 老师通常会在课程开始前留出提问的时间. Chiming in with inquiries then, rather than later, mid-lecture or mid-conversation, can help keep the class running smoothly.

  4. 听好了

    Just like in an in-person setting, 在线学生应该积极参与并练习积极倾听. Keep your camera on if possible. 也 be sure to participate in discussions, ask thoughtful questions, 当你的老师询问你的意见和建议时,你要做出回应.

    Active listening also means taking notes, paraphrasing the speaker’s key points when responding, and showing 尊重 by not interrupting.

    除此之外,注意你的非语言暗示也很重要. Nodding your head, having an attentive posture, 用面部表情来表示理解或感兴趣,向说话者表明你在参与并鼓励他们继续.

  5. Emojis (Can Be) Your Friends

    As stated above, you should use emojis judiciously in the classroom, as they can clarify tone, but also be misinterpreted. 也就是说,有几个表情符号在课堂上很有帮助. “举手”、“是”、“不”、“喜欢”、“鼓掌”和“走开”就是一些例子. 当然,在使用表情符号之前,确保你理解了所有可能的解释.

If you follow the advice above, 你将在你的在线课堂上创造一个积极的学习体验.


1 表311.33. 主要提供在线课程的授予学位的高等教育机构的精选统计数据, 根据机构控制和选定的特征:2020年秋季和2019- 2020年秋季. 生均. (Visited 9/2023).
2 表311.15. 在授予学位的高等教育机构注册的学生人数和百分比, by distance education participation, location of student, level of enrollment, 控制和机构级别:2019年秋季和2020年秋季. National Center for Education Statistics (生均). (Visited 9/2023).
3 Oza, Preeti,在线教学中的数字礼仪(2022年9月13日). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=4217177 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139 / ssrn.4217177
4 Hammond, Tracy; Lightfoot, Robert; Ray, Samantha; Thomas, Shawna (2020). 创建和实施在线课程礼仪欣赏协议:更新课程材料和社会期望的建议和见解,以帮助在COVID-19大流行期间过渡到在线学习. http://oaktrust.图书馆.tamu.edu/handle/1969.1/188237

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